Hello Everyone,
Just a quick update on what my plans and hopes are in 2016 for my blog. I have a lot of aspriations and look forward to sharing and showing you all that I wish to in the next year.
I am hoping to post every other day during the week, therefore on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday, and then a quick post on a Sunday showing my favourite of the week, which could be related to anything!
I am hoping that doing it this way I can get quality posts out to you all as often as possible. I don't plan on having specific posts for specific days as I fear that with this I may feel restricted and not post or enjoying posting as much as I would like. But a pattern may appear, but I will leave that up to the future.
I want to improve on content and hopefully produce posts that you all want to read and enjoy. Please comment below on any posts that you particularly enjoy, or any that you hope to see in the future, I will definitely take these into account and write about what my readers enjoy most.
My cousin did try and persuade me to start a youtube channel base for beauty. However, I am not sure, and am undecided. I enjoy writing and I also enjoy the slight anonymity that blogging brings. But let me know if you think youtube would be a good idea? It would be a better outlet for my tutorials that I do really enjoy doing, as taking pictures of the looks is becoming a bit difficult. I don't have a good enough lense to capture the eye looks properly and so I find it hard to portray them as well as I hoped to. But I am trying to improve on this.
But these are my plans for what I hope my blog to come to in 2016. I would like it to improve and make it better for you guys, but also for me. If any of you have blogs, link them down below. I would love to read and support everyone who is supporting me. Share the love I say, and #girlgang :)
Lots of love,
Annabel ♥
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