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Elf Blush and Bronzing Duo, Rimmel Natural Bronzer, KCO Faces Mineral Glow, Natural Collection Bronzing Powder and 2True Natural Bronzing Powder. |
Hello Everyone, hope your having a fabulous day! I've just had a massive sixth form meeting at my school, where my head of sixth form talks to us all about how amazing our school is - and how we all should stay on. Most of us aren't. However, after today I must admit I am kind of considering it... The main reason why I would be leaving is because I love acting and thats the career path I want to follow, and at my school the drama classes are very, very small, and its difficult to create a whole play with say 3 people. But I do love my school, so that is a big shame.
Okay, now Annabel, stop rambling and talk to these people about bronzers :P
I'm going to come straight out and say that I am not massive bronzer junky. I am definitely not a fan of the "orange" look, and mostly I just embrace my paleness and go for a nice blush instead. That does not mean tot say that I don't own any bronzers because I do and I do use them, just with a much lighter hand than some people.
And now for that reason, I don't have any high end bronzers - because I don't feel the need to. I believe that the quality is in the product - not the price. So all these bronzers are drugstore, although one I did purchase at a Clothes Show and so I need to quickly check exactly how much that one is full price.
- Okay it turns out the KCO bronzer I purchased at the Clothes Show is quite expensive, but all the rest are very cheap - I promise.
1. Natural Collection - Bronzing Powder - First off can I just say that for being £1.99. there is so much product in this bronzer. It's awesome! Now because it's very cheap, it is a little powdery, but I say a little because it is a very small amount, so I am not going to complain. It is a nice colour, however a tad orangey - so be careful. It also has really great pigmentation. I really like this bronzer and after doing this post I have re-discovered it and I am probably going to use it more often. Yay :)
2. KCO Faces Mineral Glow - This bronzer I purchased at The Clothes Show in 2009. I know that, that was a long time ago, so the fact that the packaging is completely fallen apart, isn't necessarily because it was badly put together. And when I first bought this I really loved it and you can tell I used it a lot as it has hit pan. But to use this bronzer you have to have a very light hand because it is very orange as you can see in the swatch. Although, I am going to try and use this again as once upon a time, I really loved this bronzer.
4. ELF Blush & Bronzing Compact blushed/bronzed - This duo compact I do really love - however that it mostly due to the blusher. The bronzer I do like - which is the reason it is on this list, however it isn't very pigmented, but I think it might be that I have a slightly faulty product. The colour is slightly "muddy" however I believe it works very well for contouring your cheeks. It does have some shimmer, but it isn't very visible once applied,and when it is on your cheeks it just makes them look like they have a nice glow.
5. 2True Natural Bronzing Powder Shade 2 - This is probably my favourite bronzer here because of so many things. 1) You get 13 grams of product for £1.99! 2) It is very pigmented, for the colour of the bronzer. And 3) It looks good on pale skin - my skin, and if you are careful you can get a really great colour - as long as you don't apply too much. It is an overall awesome bronzer, and I recommend everyone to go out and buy this, especially because it is so cheap - it won't be breaking the banks.
Well, I hope you all have enjoyed this post, and if this was helpful please let me know! :) The numbers aren't in order of favourite to least favourite, they are just randomly put in order.
Have a fabulous day everyone,
Annabel x
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