Hey Everyone! Today I thought I would do a little post on my favourite blushers. Now, I am going to apologise in advance at the lighting in these pictures and in probably many pictures to come. I am still in school and now in year 11, and so this means that for the majority of the day I am not at home and therefore can't take pictures of my products that are at home. And so, I have had to take those pictures when I get home from school, and by this time its not daylight, its verging into nighttime. So these swatches don't show the colour exactly how it would appear in the day. I am sorry, but there isn't much I can do about it. But I will try to figure something out - I promise.
Anyway back to the post...
1. Elf Compact Blushed/bronzed - The blusher in this set is so gorgeous. It is my go-to blush for everyday. It is apparently a dupe for the NARS blusher Orgasm. I say apparently because I don't actually own Orgasm so I wouldn't be able to compare it myself. But I trust other beauty gurus words. But this blush is beautiful and it has a very subtle shimmer which makes your cheeks look radiant. It also has very good colour pay off, I really do adore this blush.